No. 1 Feb

Origin Story

There’s a new hero in town…

It was a cold winter’s night in the Canberra province, where the city appeared unsettled. The populace was tired, lethargic and defeated… suffering from hunger pains and battling cravings. A confluence of events that could only emerge a new superhero, Flash.

Flash travelled the world at lightning speed to find the solution to save the tastebuds. He found it. Quality food, fast. A superhero-themed burger joint was born whose burgers promise supernatural healing abilities. Nestled in the revitalised alleyway of Bible Lane in the city’s heart, venture no further than the hole in the wall serving satisfying eats from day to brink of the night.

The simple menu consists of burgers with bold flavours, crispy chicken, soft drinks and secret sauces. Fast food is respawn - with fresh and consistent food in a Flash.

Flash, saviour of the foodies.